Tell us what water means to you. Your responses will help develop a First Nations water strategy and support the reframing of our relationships with First Nations peoples.
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The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) has established an online engagement hub (“the site”) to seek input from Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples (First Nations peoples) about the importance of, and their connection with, water resources in Queensland under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom and how water could be better managed in the future. The information gathered through this site, and other activities, will inform development of a First Nations Water Strategy (Strategy) to support decision-making in water planning and sustainable water management in the future.
The software platform utilised by the site is owned and managed by a third-party service provider: Social Pinpoint Pty Ltd (Social Pinpoint).
Personal information is any information about an individual which enables them to be reasonably identified: for example - your name, location and email address.
DRDMW is collecting your personal information to inform development of the Strategy and contact you, if required, about any engagement opportunities, events and other initiatives relating to the Strategy.
Personal information will be collected from you through:
The collection, use and disclose of your personal information to inform development of the Strategy will be managed in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009. For more information on DRDMW’s privacy policy go to: Privacy | Queensland Government (
For some online engagement activities, you can choose to engage with us anonymously and will not be required to register on the site registration form. However, please note, most activities on the site will not allow anonymous contributions because we need to verify real people are making genuine contributions.
If you wish to participate anonymously as an unregistered site user in, for example, a quick poll, you may be asked to provide information such as postcode, or other location attributes and cultural identification such as whether you identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island person.
As Social Pinpoint owns and manages the engagement platform for the site, they have rights to view and share material or information you upload for their own purposes. Social Pinpoint has agreed to comply with the requirements of the Information Privacy Act 2009.
For details of how Social Pinpoint may access personal information, please refer to Social Pinpoint’s Privacy Policy.
If you are not comfortable sharing your material or information through the site, but would like to contribute information for the development of the Strategy, please contact the FNWS team directly via email at
The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water (DRDMW) has established an online engagement hub (“the site”) to seek input from Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples (First Nations peoples) about the importance of, and their connection with, water resources in Queensland under Aboriginal tradition or Island custom and how water could be better managed in the future. The information gathered through this site, and other avenues, will inform development of a First Nations Water Strategy (Strategy) to support decision-making in water planning and sustainable water management in the future.
The software platform utilised by the site is owned and managed by a third-party service provider: Social Pinpoint Pty Ltd (Social Pinpoint).
The following Terms of Use (the Terms) govern access to, and use of, the site operated by DRDMW. Please read the Terms before using the site.
By accessing and using the site you agree to comply with the Terms. If you do not want to be bound by the Terms, please leave the website and discontinue use.
If you are under 18 years old, please ensure that your parent or guardian understands and accepts the Terms.
Other ways of engaging with DRDMW
The site is only one of the ways you can provide material or information to DRDMW to help develop the Strategy. If you do not wish to engage with us through the site, but would still like to provide input, please contact the project team directly via email at
Culturally sensitive knowledge and other sensitive information
Because Social Pinpoint owns and manages the software platform utilised by the site, they also have rights to view and share material or information you upload to the site.
As DRDMW recognises the importance of protecting culturally sensitive knowledge and sensitive information, we recommend that for any culturally sensitive knowledge and sensitive information, you provide that material or information directly to the project team via email at marked “Sensitive” or “Confidential.”
Further, if you want to make a submission in your own language, or if you are not comfortable using the site for any reason, you can also provide your information directly to the project team via email at:
Please note that any information provided to DRDMW will be deidentified in the development of the Strategy, unless DRDMW has obtained your separate consent to use your identity in any publication using the material or information you have provided.
Permanently recorded
Please note that any material or information you upload on the site may be permanently recorded. Even when you deactivate your account.
Privacy Policy
You agree to the site Privacy Policy that may be updated with amendments to Information Privacy Act 2009.
Unacceptable use
In relation to any material, information or images you provide to the site, you warrant that:
Your contribution to the site may be edited, removed or not published if DRDMW considers it inappropriate. We may also terminate or suspend your access to the site and/or account for unacceptable use.
What content do we own?
This website contains the copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information (“Intellectual Property”) of DRDMW. All other Intellectual Property on this site is the property of the respective owners. You must obtain written permission before reusing, distributing, copying or altering any copyrighted material, trademarks or logos published on this site.
Your use of the site is at your own risk. DRDMW is not responsible for the content provided by users of the site. DRDMW does not warrant or make any representation that the site will be error free.
Limitation of Liability
DRDMW, its officers and agents are not responsible for any loss, costs, damages of any kind, including consequential loss or damage, which you or any third party may incur, arising directly or indirectly in relation to any material, information or images uploaded on, or removed, from the site.
What happens if the Terms change?
DRDMW reserves the right to modify the Terms at any time without notice. By continuing to access or use the site after the Terms revisions become effective, you agree and will comply with the revised Terms. If you do not agree to the revised Terms, please discontinue using the site.
Governing Law
The Terms shall be governed in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia.
We may terminate or suspend your access to the site and/or account immediately, without prior notice if you breach the Terms. If you want to terminate your own account, please send an email to
Contact Us
If you have any questions about the Terms, please contact us at
Enter your email address below. We will send you instructions to reset your password.
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